Since 2004, NREC has represented the public's interest in Niagara River Greenway Projects funded by the Relicensing of the NYPA Niagara Power Plant.

Our Founding

30 nonprofit environmental groups – called the Niagara Relicensing Environmental Coalition (NREC) came together to evaluate and negotiate mitigation for the impacts of the operation of the Niagara Power Project on the local ecosystem.

In 2005, 19 organizations(1) formally endorsed the settlement agreement that required both specific habitat improvement project work by the New York Power Authority (NYPA), as well as the creation of several ongoing funding pools for ecological and greenway projects – in excess of $500 million over 50 years. NREC has a direct vote in the expenditure of $100 million in River ecological funding over 50 years.

In addition, our group negotiated to have a small pool of money ($30,000 year for 50 years) dedicated to coordinate NREC member oversight of compliance with the settlement agreement, including the expenditure of Niagara River Greenway funds. 

Our Mission

To monitor the timely and beneficial use, within the Buffalo Niagara River ecological system, of all the resources which were negotiated as part of the Niagara Power Project Relicensing Settlement Agreement, and to be a coalition of environmental organizations whose group efforts smoothly ensure the ecological protection and restoration of the Niagara River within the concept of the Niagara River Greenway.

(1) Signatory Members: Adirondack Mountain Club, Buffalo Niagara Riverkeeper, Cattaraugus Creek Watershed Task Force, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Citizens Environmental Coalition, Citizens Regional Transit Corporation, Town of Grand Island, Great Lakes United, League of Women Voters Buffalo/Niagara, Nature Conservancy of WNY, New York Audubon, New York Rivers United, Niagara Frontier Wildlife Habitat Council, Niagara Musky Association, Niagara Waterfront Revitalization Task Force, Quality Quest, Sierra Club, Western New York Land Conservancy, Presbytery of WNY.